In many countries you have protections against the unauthorized use of your payment card, whether it’s a debit, credit, or stored value card. Many countries have laws that limit your liability for transactions you didn’t approve, and some card issuers provide additional protections voluntarily. In some cases, you may be liable for a portion of the unauthorized charge, or your liability may depend on when and how you notify your card issuer. Contact your card issuer to find out what protections you have and how to use them. You may also want to contact your local or national consumer protection authority to learn more about your rights.
If you see a charge you don’t recognize, contact the merchant directly with your complaint. If that doesn’t work, contact your card issuer to dispute the charge. Act quickly because your legal protections may depend on how quickly you report the problem. Check your payment card account often and keep your receipts and confirmations. That should help you spot and resolve problems right away.