At, you can report international scams and learn about other steps you can take to combat fraud. Your complaints help consumer protection agencies around the world spot trends and work together to prevent international scams. began with four languages, in 2001, as an initiative of the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN), with the support of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Today, consumer agencies from more than 65 countries support the project, which has expanded to nine languages and provides a platform to gather and share cross-border e-commerce complaints.
The project has two components:
- A public website that allows consumers to make cross-border fraud complaints. It’s currently available in English, French, German, Korean, Japanese, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, and Turkish.
- A secure website that allows law enforcement around the world to share and access consumer complaint data and other investigative information. The secure website is hosted through the Consumer Sentinel Network platform by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.
Contact Us
Contact Us for website questions or feedback, or to update a consumer complaint (please include your reference number). We appreciate your questions and feedback on the site. Given the volume of email received, we cannot guarantee an individual reply. Please note that we do not process consumer complaints sent to this address (except updates of earlier complaints). To submit a consumer complaint, please use the complaint form available at Please also note that we do not process any spam forwarded to this mailbox; you may be able to contact an agency in your jurisdiction with such information.